Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb

Wenn der „Einkaufsbot“ mit dem „Verkaufsbot“ …

Sie suchen einen Keynote Speaker zur Digitalisierung im B2B-Vertrieb?

Zunehmend schneller werden immer mehr Teile der Wertschöpfungskette automatisiert. Im Bereich Produktion (Stichwort Industrie 4.0) sind wir bereits sehr weit. Nun erreicht viele Unternehmen der Gedanke, auch den Vertrieb und das Marketing weitaus stärker mit digitalen Mitteln auszustatten oder gar zu automatisieren.

Buchen Sie dazu diese aktuelle Keynote und ermöglichen Sie Ihren VeranstaltungsteilnehmerInnen einen Einblick, was jetzt schon möglich ist und einen Ausblick, was in den nächsten zwei bis fünf Jahren möglich sein wird. (Hätten Sie etwa gedacht, dass dass 2020 bereits 85% aller Kundenkommunikationen nur noch über Bots stattfinden? Das zumindest sagt die Gartner Group voraus.)

Heute schon sind Lösungen praxistauglich, an die wir vor fünf Jahren noch nicht geglaubt hätten. Was von dem, was möglich ist, sollten Sie für Ihren Vertrieb einsetzen? Und wie stellen Sie Ihren Vertrieb auf, um mögliche Chancen, die sich aus der Digitalisierung ergeben, zu nutzen? Es geht darum, passende Lösungen für einzelne Prozesse zu finden, aber gleichzeitig auch das Mindset des Vertriebs auf die neue Herausforderung einzustellen. Denn um „einfach Produkte zu verkaufen“, wird in allernächster Zukunft kaum noch jemand benötigt. Hier gilt es, frühzeitig die richtige Strategie zu erkennen.

Wie ist der erste Eindruck direkt nach einem Vortrag?

Hier das Videotestimonial von Peter Ring aus dem Vorstand des Verbands der selbständigen Versicherungskaufleute der SIGNAL IDUNA Gruppe nach einem Vortrag von Tim Cortinovis auf der Hauptversammlung des VSV

„Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends der Digitalisierung im Vertrieb. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!“

Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung

The last editions of The Sales Accelerator

These are the last articles of the current issue.

Google I/O: From AI Overviews to Gemini, what was announced?

Google I/O: From AI Overviews to Gemini, what was announced?

Next-generation technological advancement is breaking barriers yet again, as Google IO introduces its Artificial Intelligence creation, Gemini. This technology promises a revolutionary impact, with the potential to elevate the gadget and information sector to newer heights. Google IO’s AI Gemini sets consumers‘ expectations high by offering an unrivaled experience of technology powered gadgets.

Why does it matter? As technology continues evolving at a fast pace, the introduction of AI Gemini marks a significant milestone. Implementing AI in everyday gadgets not only changes the way we interact with them, but also holds the potential for advanced functionality and efficiency. For Whom is it important? Consumers, technology aficionados, professionals in the tech industry and businesses exploring opportunities to offer a more tech-driven, innovative experience stand to benefit immensely from this development.

For an in-depth understanding of Google IO’s AI Gemini and how it could possibly reshape our tech-future, read the whole story [here](

Prozesse digitalisieren: traditionelles vs. agiles Projektmanagement

Prozesse digitalisieren: traditionelles vs. agiles Projektmanagement

In an era of shifting work paradigms and increasing digitalisation, traditional project management methodologies are facing fierce competition from their more flexible cousin – agile project management. According to the insightful blog post on LPSP, digitalisation of processes demands a fresh approach where adaptability and flexibility are paramount. Traditional scope-driven project management might struggle to keep pace with such demands, hence the rising popularity of agile methods which values interactions and individuals over processes and tools.

Why does it matter? Interestingly, the choice of project management method can significantly impact the success of your organisation’s digitalisation efforts. Agile project management, with its iterative approach and emphasis on continuous improvement, aligns better with the dynamic and unpredictable nature of digital processes. The IDEAL model described in the referenced article outlines a systematic way to assess, plan, and execute digitalisation initiatives using agile methodologies.

For whom it’s important? Companies on the digitalisation journey, project leaders, and employees working on digitisation initiatives should take note. In an environment where technology and user needs change rapidly, agile approaches can provide the flexibility to pivot and adapt based on real-time feedback, ensuring successful and efficient digitalisation of processes. Read the whole story here: [](

Making Marketing More Effective with AI

Making Marketing More Effective with AI

As artificial intelligence continues to revolutionize various industries, marketing is no exception. A study highlighted by O’Reilly Radar has underscored the potential of AI in making marketing strategies more effective, transforming it from a mostly intuition-driven field to one powered by data and precision. The research details how AI can help businesses provide personalized consumer experiences, target audiences more accurately, and optimize pricing, among other benefits.

So why does it matter? As businesses grapple with an increasingly competitive market and higher consumer expectations, AI offers a solution to stay ahead of the curve. AI-based marketing tools can analyze consumer behavior in real-time and glean actionable insights. These insights can help companies streamline their marketing efforts, ensuring seamless customer engagement. Moreover, AI can perpetually adapt to changing market trends, helping businesses keep pace with ever-evolving consumer demands.

The insights revealed in this study are particularly important for marketing professionals, business owners, and decision-makers striving to enhance their marketing efficacy and drive growth. If you are one of them, you definitely wouldn’t want to miss knowing more about AI’s transformative impact on marketing strategies. Read the whole story at [](

Harnessing AI product integrations: Boomi’s strategy for modern application development

Harnessing AI product integrations: Boomi’s strategy for modern application development

Acclaimed tech company, Boomi, recently hit the headlines when they unveiled their AI-powered product integrations at the annual BoomiWorld event. Their pioneering product innovations are set to revolutionize the workspace by automating various business processes. Moreover, the company’s bold foray into cloud technologies indicates a promising and future-proof trend in the ever-evolving tech industry.

But why does it matter? As businesses across sectors are expanding digitally, the need for AI-based technology to optimise processes and enhance efficiency is becoming more vital than ever. Boomi’s integrations aren’t just about bridging software applications; they constitute a vital step towards a holistic digital transformation, offering the potential to boost productivity and competitiveness in today’s digital age.

For whom is it important? These advancements prove significant not just for tech enthusiasts but also for businesses seeking scalable, flexible solutions to help them navigate the rapidly changing digital landscape. Small businesses will find tremendous value in these integrations, as they offer a cost-effective and efficient way to streamline operations and stay ahead of the curve. Keen to know more? Read the whole story here:

New Book „Selling Smarter, Not Harder“ Launch Event

New Book „Selling Smarter, Not Harder“ Launch Event

We kindly invite you to an exclusive launch event for Tim´s new book „Selling Smarter, Not Harder. How Sales Leaders Use Generative AI For Sales Excellence“ on June 10, 2024. Stream attendees will have the opportunity to hear from Tim as he discusses the topics brought forth in his book. He will explore, through real-life success stories, how generative AI is transforming the sales industry, including:

🔹The risks, challenges, and opportunities of generative AI for sales
🔹How generative AI is revolutionizing the sales job market
🔹 The transformative impact of AI on enhancing sales techniques
🔹 Generative AI’s limitless applications for media, personalization, and efficiency in sales
🔹 A blueprint for elevating your sales process by marrying creativity and emotional intelligence with AI’s predictive analytics.

Building Ethical AI: How To Take A User-Centered Approach

Building Ethical AI: How To Take A User-Centered Approach

In the world of artificial intelligence technologies, ethical considerations are not just a nice-to-have, they are essential. An article on Forbes Tech Council emphasizes the need for a user-centered approach to keep AI ethical, ensuring that the technology respects and prioritizes user interests, values, and rights. The piece outlines how to maintain transparency, embody fairness, protect security and privacy, and instill accountability — critical factors in building ethical AI.

Sales in The Digital Age

Sales in The Digital Age

In the Digital Age sale, where technology is driving business advancements, sales and distribution are undergoing a significant transformation, as reported on the site Vertrieb Strategie. This evolution presents new and exciting opportunities, with digital platforms paving the way to reach out to prospective clients and engage with them more efficiently and effectively. The use of artificial intelligence in managing customer relations and automating sales procedures creates a more personalised interaction, enhancing the customer experience.

Why does it matter? The rise of digitalisation in sales is critical as it offers businesses the ability to keep pace with the rapidly changing market dynamics, enhance customer relations and stay ahead of competition. AI-powered tools provide a multitude of benefits such as real-time analytics and predictive marketing which leads to optimised sales performance and improved customer satisfaction.

Faster, More Efficient Operations in Manufacturing

In the rapidly advancing technology sector, ServiceNow has unveiled AI-powered, purpose-built solutions specifically tailored to bolster the manufacturing industry’s operational efficiency and improve employee experiences. By leveraging the power of intelligent predictive models and machine learning capabilities, these next-generation solutions aim to seamlessly align maintenance and production schedules, mitigate downtime, and expedite decision-making processes. Not only does this transformation promote actionable insights and superior visibility, but it also facilitates a smoother, highly integrated workflow system.

Why does it matter? Given the crucial role of the manufacturing sector in driving economic growth and job creation, the application of AI technology has the potential to immensely boost productivity and enhance competitiveness on a global scale. This innovative move by ServiceNow underscores a shifting paradigm towards digitization, reinforcing the industry’s commitment to embrace futuristic technology for process optimization and operational excellence.

Boosting Sales and Customer Engagement: The Impact of Generative AI in E-commerce

Boosting Sales and Customer Engagement: The Impact of Generative AI in E-commerce

Generative AI technology is making significant strides in boosting sales and customer engagement in the e-commerce sector, according to a Tech Bullion report. The technology empowers online businesses to personalize customer experiences on various touchpoints, leading to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales. Interactive product recommendations, personalized email marketing, and AI-enabled chatbots are some ways generative AI is being utilized to elevate customer interactions in e-commerce.

So, why does all this matter? As online shopping booms, more businesses are delving into the e-commerce world. Leveraging generative AI can give these businesses a competitive edge by offering unique and personalized experiences that meet and even anticipate customer needs.

Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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