Begeistern Sie Ihre Teilnehmer mit einem brandaktuellen Thema

Tim Cortinovis – Keynote Speaker zu Social Selling

Wer kennt das nicht? Sie rufen einen Interessenten an und der sagt „Oh, gut, dass Sie anrufen. Es gibt da ein neues Projekt / Produkt etc. für das ich Ihr Angebot gut gebrauchen kann!“. Das war dann gutes Timing. Aber bei wie viel Interessenten oder Bestandskunden haben Sie nicht im richtigen Moment angerufen? Es gilt, in dem Augenblick, in dem sich Ihr potentieller Kunde bewusst wird, was er möchte, präsent zu sein.

Früher gab es genau dafür den Newsletter. Aber mit zunehmender E-Mail-Überflutung bewegen sich die Öffnungsraten klassischer Newsletter Richtung Null.

Smarte Vertriebler setzen seit einiger Zeit social Media erfolgreich ein, um Kunden noch besser und persönlicher zu erreichen. Und vor allem, um sich immer wieder ins Gedächtnis zu rufen, um in dem einen Moment da zu sein.

Dafür gibt es den aktuellen Fachbegriff „Social Selling“ und das geht weit über Social Media Marketing hinaus. Es geht darum, die richtigen Interessenten zu finden, zu kontaktieren, zu verstehen und diese Kontakte zu pflegen.

All das wird uns in den gängigen Kanälen (LinkedIn, XING für B2B-Kunden, Instagram und Facebook für B2C) sehr leicht gemacht, vieles lässt sich zum Teil oder sogar auch ganz automatisieren.

Was sind die wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktoren, damit Sie hier Geschäft ausbauen? Zum einen müssen Sie wissen, was Sie Ihren Interessenten hier erzählen, die richtigen „Stories“, seien es Erfolgsgeschichten, seien es spannende Fakten – all das, wovon Sie wollen, dass andere es weitererzählen. Und es geht darum zu wissen, wie Sie hier schnell und einfach Reichweite aufbauen und Kontakte knüpfen.

Energiegeladen und sehr spannend geht es um:

  • Wie baue ich ein großes Netzwerk auf, ohne mich auf organisches Wachstum zu verlassen?
  • Was sollte ich posten, um wahrgenommen zu werden?
  • Wie häufig sollte ich posten?
  • Wo bekomme ich die Inhalte für meine Posts her?
  • Growth Hacking im Social Selling: Welche Abkürzungen gibt es?
  • Wofür eignet sich welcher Kanal?
  • Welche Automatisierungstools gibt es und wie kann ich sie einsetzen?
  • Wie kann ich das selber machen ohne viel Zeit zu investieren?
Der Vortrag eignet sich sowohl für eine rein inhaltliche Business-Veranstaltung mit dem Fokus auf den unteren Themen, als auch als erfrischende Keynote mit einem stärker unterhaltsameren Fokus.

„Mir hat der Vortrag super gut gefallen, es war sehr interaktiv, energiegeladen und ich konnte mit dem Vortrag viele Ideen und Impulse mitnehmen. Es hat mir megagut gefallen.“

Mavie John, Team Leader Social Care Vodafone

„Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends […]. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!“

Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung

The last editions of The Sales Accelerator

These are the last articles of the current issue.

The Enduring Power of Data Storytelling in the Generative AI Era

The Enduring Power of Data Storytelling in the Generative AI Era

🔮 Imagine a world where your sales team is powered by AI, where every pitch is personalized, every interaction meaningful, and every target more achievable. That future is closer than you think.💡

As a thought leader in leveraging AI, particularly generative AI in sales, my curiosity was peaked by a compelling piece I recently stumbled upon: „The Enduring Power of Data Storytelling in the Generative AI Era“. 🌐

What if our sales teams could use AI not just as a tool, but as a team member? What if generative AI could provide customized insights, merging the depth of data with the art of storytelling? 🎨

In this piece, the authors uncover the potential of generative AI as a means to humanize data, offering a unique way to illuminate patterns and anticipate customer needs. The technology can weave together a tapestry of data into a compelling narrative that empowers our sales teams and engages our customers on a deeply personal level. 🚀

Could the era of generative AI translate into a revolutionized sales experience? Will we be shifting from cold, impersonal data to warm, empathetic stories? Does this elevate the potential for personalized selling to a thrilling new altitude? 🌟

Let’s celebrate this paradigm shift! As AI evolves, our approach to sales follows suit. Finger on the pulse, eye on the horizon, we are embarking on a journey to redefine sales in the generative AI era. Bravely we stride, confident in the power of data storytelling. 🌈

This post was inspired by „The Enduring Power of Data Storytelling in the Generative AI Era“ (

This article is of interest for forward-thinking sales leaders and visionaries who are keen on integrating advanced technologies into their sales strategies. Cheers to the infinite possibilities that the AI era ushers in! Let’s be the pioneers to embrace this changing landscape. 🎉

When the broker is a chatbot: How AI will shake up commercial real estate.

When the broker is a chatbot: How AI will shake up commercial real estate.

🚀🌏 What if I told you that AI could become your new best friend in closing real estate deals, would you believe me?

The world as we know it is not slowing down in its quest for automation. Your business is part of this constantly changing landscape, and embracing AI in sales might be the next game changer. We’re already seeing its impact in the commercial real estate world. Check out this inspiring article: „Commercial real estate AI: Artificial Intelligence brokers, chatbots“

Now, imagine for a second that, instead of spending hours making follow-ups and researching real estate markets, a smart AI bot could do all that for you in seconds. Swift, accurate and time-saving – sounds too good to be right?

AI can analyze large amounts of data quickly, identify patterns and effectively predict market trends. It’s not just about replacing traditional human tasks, it’s about enhancing them. How could this affect your win rates or how you execute your sales strategy?

Certainly, AI doesn’t replace the human touch – the charisma, the first-hand experience, the ability to connect on a personal level. But what if the immersion of AI into sales allows us to focus more on the essence of our work – making genuine connections, solving complex problems and driving innovation?

Predictive analytics, automation of mundane tasks, market trend spotting… the use cases are limitless. Question is – are you ready to embrace the AI revolution in sales?

This post was inspired by:

This article is of interest for all sales leaders, real estate agents, brokers and anyone keen on leveraging AI for optimizing their sales processes. Whether you’re exploring AI or a seasoned expert, it’s time to think about how these insights could reshape your sales strategy for the better.

Samsung vies to make AI more mainstream by baking in more of the technology in its new Galaxy phones

Samsung vies to make AI more mainstream by baking in more of the technology in its new Galaxy phones

🚀 Brace for a future where AI-powered tech will not just boost our sales strategies but will redefine them completely.

Have you ever thought about the role AI can play in sales, especially when integrated in our smartphones? The transformation is not just probable; it’s happening, upending the traditional rulebook of sales. 📲

Samsung’s latest AI interface, Bixby, is a powerful harbinger of the future, designed to understand our sales behavior and tailor recommendations accordingly. Imagine having a personal AI assistant that knows every single customer preference and alters its sales pitch accordingly.💡

What if you could access all the personalization of a physical retail experience but without leaving your home? 🏡

There’s a paradigm shift taking place. Instead of us reaching out to customers, customers are now finding us. AI interweaves the digital and physical realms, crafting unique customer journeys that drive deeper connection with customers. 🧠

In such a scenario, how would you embrace AI to bolster your sales efforts? Could AI be the magic wand that deciphers customer behavior more accurately than traditional methods? 🪄

Get ready, folks! Forget one-size-fits-all; it’s time to usher in the era of one-on-one. Tailor-made experiences are the key to unlock enormous sales potential.

But remember, with such power comes huge responsibility. We must use this technology ethically, ensuring customer satisfaction while respecting privacy boundaries. 🛡️

This post was inspired by [](

This article is of interest for sales leaders and professionals, business strategists, and AI enthusiasts intrigued by the limitless possibilities AI is bringing to sales. Together, let’s redefine sales and fuel growth through AI. 💼 🌐

Julius AI Review: Can AI Visualize Complex Data in Seconds?

Julius AI Review: Can AI Visualize Complex Data in Seconds?

📣 Do you want to stay on top of the AI game in sales? Then, this is your cup of tea. 💡

The power of AI in sales and marketing is getting more potent every day. The reason? Our friend over here, ‚Julius‘, a powerful AI model that just upped the game. The question arises: How can we employ this to supercharge our sales efficiency and productivity? 🚀

Julius is a generative model that uses snippets to generate anything – from full-blown articles to marketing campaigns. Picture this: you have an important sales text to create. Julius, with its magic, can generate a first draft for you, easing your burden.

Can you just imagine how this could elevate your sales copy, email marketing, or even your social media campaigns? The possibilities are as limitless as the horizon. Thanks to AI, we can enter a new era of personalization in sales, where our marketing messages resonate deeply with our customers‘ unique needs and desires.

It’s clear – Generative AI is changing the game we play in sales. But, are we ready to embrace it fully? And if not, what is preventing us from doing so?

Is it a lack of understanding of the technology? Or perhaps a fear of the unknown? Or maybe, we are hesitant to lose the ‚human‘ touch in our marketing communications?

Whatever it may be, it’s time for us to embrace this digital transformation and leverage AI in our sales operations. 💪

Will you join me on this journey?

This post was inspired by this fantastic article: []( This article is of interest for all those in sales and marketing who are open to embracing AI, eager to step up their game, and want to stay ahead in today’s fast-moving digital landscape.

♾️ Let’s harness AI to unlock our limitless potential in sales and lead the path into a promising future. Shall we? 🚀

Sales Calls are Dead 🪦

Sales Calls are Dead 🪦

I know what you’re thinking: „Tim has been ringing this bell for years.“ And you’re absolutely right. But today, I’m not just echoing a familiar sentiment; I’m heralding a new era in sales communication.

The game-changer? The advent of sophisticated AI phone bots. And let me tell you, I’ve stumbled upon a gem that exemplifies this revolution:

Deloitte is Using AI to Reduce Layoffs—And Your Business Can Too

„Survival of the fittest or evolution through collaboration?“

As sales gurus, we’ve always geared up for the hunt – cold calling, hard pitching, and racing towards quotas. But what if we’re evolving from this sales Darwinism into a new era of praxis? What if sophisticated AI could change not only the way we sell, but how we think about sales itself?

Indeed, the era of the survival of the fittest could be making way for „best fitted“. AI, with its immense predictive and analytical capabilities is forging a new path, one that’s focused more on collaborative selling, tailored solutions, and deep-rooted client relationships rather than just making a sale.

Deloitte, one of the pioneers in leveraging this brave new world of AI possibilities, is treading a path well-worth studying. Not only are they using AI to reduce layoffs, but they are reshaping their business operations accordingly. An old Tool song goes: „Embrace this moment. Remember, we are eternal.“ Could this be our mantra for the future of sales?

What if we could really shape our companies around what our customers need, want, and yearn for? Instead of pushing products or services, we anticipate desires and deliver precisely on them. Doesn’t that sound like a win-win?

In this life-changing embrace of AI for sales, are we becoming more than just vendors or service providers, are we now strategic partners in the truest sense of the term?

As sales gurus, we must capitalize on these evolving business environments and envision sales not as a one-time transaction, but as ongoing partnerships. Let’s leverage AI like Deloitte has, let’s grow together, and most importantly, let’s evolve together.

„This Post was inspired by“

This article is of interest for all forward-thinking sales leaders who are committed to playing a proactive role in their organization’s evolution amidst the AI revolution. Let’s seize the day, or better yet, let’s create the day – together!

Integrating AI into the 7Ps: A comprehensive media approach

Integrating AI into the 7Ps: A comprehensive media approach

Hold onto your seats, journeying towards a future where AI revolutionizes sales is about to kick into high gear!

A recent article by Dataconomy has caught my attention. Here’s the distilled wisdom for our dynamic sales community: AI marketing mix modeling is no longer a fiction, it’s reality. But what exactly does this imply for sales? What are the potential use cases this technology could spin out in sales?

Marketing mix modeling, with an AI twist, provides unprecedented insights to determine the success of various marketing strategies. But what if we could utilize this potent tool in sales? Imagine allocating resources efficiently, predicting outcomes, and driving sales performance to towering heights. Could this be the next big game-changer in our realm?

This AI-powered methodology could potentially imbibe valuable data – understanding sales patterns, contemplating market dynamics, and unravelling customer behaviour – to reimagine sales strategies. But here’s the intriguing part: can we use this AI model to design personalized sales pitches? Predict those sweet success spots of cross-selling and upselling? Or identify untapped markets and unseen opportunities?

Pouring the power of data-driven decisions into your sales funnel could bring seismic shifts in conversion rates. Teams could become better equipped to handle volatility, navigate through uncertainties, and blossom in competitive landscapes. Could this ultimate combination of data, algorithms, and sales prowess be the remedy to the perennial problems we face in sales?

I ask you, dear thought leaders and innovators, to put on your visionary spectacles. Take a moment to ponder upon these points – will AI in sales be an incessant storm or a resounding revolution?

This post was inspired by

This article is of interest for C-suite executives, sales managers, sales strategists, and anyone interested in harnessing the power of AI to transform sales dynamics and outperform in today’s highly competitive business frontier. Get in the front row seat and witness the future unfolding!

All You Need to Know About CharacterGPT: Revolutionary AI System

All You Need to Know About CharacterGPT: Revolutionary AI System

„Are you ready to discover a revolution in the world of AI and Sales?“

We’re living through a transformation. An era in which AI is proving itself as more than just a utility, but a true partner in crafting our success stories. And sales? Oh, it’s at the epicenter of this tech-infusion wave! 🌊

The innovative AI system, CharacterGPT by OpenAI, is an absolute game changer. Imagine having a diligent teammate, that never tires, working 24/7 to instantly respond to client inquiries and objections. It’s not a distant dream anymore, folks, it’s the reality! 🤖

Have you ever wondered what the effects might be if AI could step in and assist in dealing with sales objections, drafting narrative driven pitches, and customizing its communication based on customer sentiments and needs? A breathtaking symbiosis of tech and sales, isn’t it? 🤔

The power of this generative AI is staggering, understanding text with context and generating new, relevant content. It could be your new Sales Manager, never missing out on leads or follow-ups.

But, does it halt at just being a powerful assistant in the world of SAAS, or could it pave its way further into traditional sales? Could CharacterGPT empower the hands of our diligent salesforce in retail, real estate, and other sectors? I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

As we redefine AI in sales, let’s embrace and lead this transformation. Let’s enable our teams to sell smarter, not harder! ✨

This Post was inspired by [](

This article is of interest for Sales Leaders, Business Heads, and all those who believe in a future where humans and AI form a dynamic duo in transforming sales world over. Together, we’re on the edge of a technological revolution, let’s dive in!

AI Powered Sales

👉Have you ever considered how AI and digitalization are revolutionizing our sales world? You’d be surprised!

In a move towards increased personalization and efficiency, AI is breathing new life into sales.

This cross predominately extends to the 💡 prediction of customer needs. Imagine if your sales force could tap into a data vault offering insights into which product a customer would need next? AI makes this a reality.

Tailor-making solutions for clients have never been so easy! With AI, you can close deals faster than ever. 🚀

How experienced are you with handling a sales conversation? AI brings stupendous benefits to the less experienced. It acts as an excellent guide through the sales process, equipping you with the right questions and objections handling at the right time. So, rest easy knowing you’ve got AI in your corner.🔥

Moreover, AI-powered sales forecasting provides a clear trajectory of sales performance. What sales leader wouldn’t dream of deep insights into the future? What if you could react to market tendencies before others do?! 🏎️

As sales continue to evolve, it’s crucial to ponder: How well equipped is your business for this seismic shift? How can you integrate AI into your sales approach? 👀

In essence, AI in sales is more than just a trend; it’s THE gamechanger for businesses aiming at sales maximization and enhanced customer experiences.🎯

🖋This post was inspired by

This article is of interest for sales leaders, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to leverage the power of AI in redefining their sales strategy. The world is at the cusp of an AI revolution in sales. Will you be a part? 🌍💼

Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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