Begeistern Sie Ihre Teilnehmer mit einem brandaktuellen Thema

Tim Cortinovis – Keynote Speaker zu Social Selling

Wer kennt das nicht? Sie rufen einen Interessenten an und der sagt „Oh, gut, dass Sie anrufen. Es gibt da ein neues Projekt / Produkt etc. für das ich Ihr Angebot gut gebrauchen kann!“. Das war dann gutes Timing. Aber bei wie viel Interessenten oder Bestandskunden haben Sie nicht im richtigen Moment angerufen? Es gilt, in dem Augenblick, in dem sich Ihr potentieller Kunde bewusst wird, was er möchte, präsent zu sein.

Früher gab es genau dafür den Newsletter. Aber mit zunehmender E-Mail-Überflutung bewegen sich die Öffnungsraten klassischer Newsletter Richtung Null.

Smarte Vertriebler setzen seit einiger Zeit social Media erfolgreich ein, um Kunden noch besser und persönlicher zu erreichen. Und vor allem, um sich immer wieder ins Gedächtnis zu rufen, um in dem einen Moment da zu sein.

Dafür gibt es den aktuellen Fachbegriff „Social Selling“ und das geht weit über Social Media Marketing hinaus. Es geht darum, die richtigen Interessenten zu finden, zu kontaktieren, zu verstehen und diese Kontakte zu pflegen.

All das wird uns in den gängigen Kanälen (LinkedIn, XING für B2B-Kunden, Instagram und Facebook für B2C) sehr leicht gemacht, vieles lässt sich zum Teil oder sogar auch ganz automatisieren.

Was sind die wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktoren, damit Sie hier Geschäft ausbauen? Zum einen müssen Sie wissen, was Sie Ihren Interessenten hier erzählen, die richtigen „Stories“, seien es Erfolgsgeschichten, seien es spannende Fakten – all das, wovon Sie wollen, dass andere es weitererzählen. Und es geht darum zu wissen, wie Sie hier schnell und einfach Reichweite aufbauen und Kontakte knüpfen.

Energiegeladen und sehr spannend geht es um:

  • Wie baue ich ein großes Netzwerk auf, ohne mich auf organisches Wachstum zu verlassen?
  • Was sollte ich posten, um wahrgenommen zu werden?
  • Wie häufig sollte ich posten?
  • Wo bekomme ich die Inhalte für meine Posts her?
  • Growth Hacking im Social Selling: Welche Abkürzungen gibt es?
  • Wofür eignet sich welcher Kanal?
  • Welche Automatisierungstools gibt es und wie kann ich sie einsetzen?
  • Wie kann ich das selber machen ohne viel Zeit zu investieren?
Der Vortrag eignet sich sowohl für eine rein inhaltliche Business-Veranstaltung mit dem Fokus auf den unteren Themen, als auch als erfrischende Keynote mit einem stärker unterhaltsameren Fokus.

„Mir hat der Vortrag super gut gefallen, es war sehr interaktiv, energiegeladen und ich konnte mit dem Vortrag viele Ideen und Impulse mitnehmen. Es hat mir megagut gefallen.“

Mavie John, Team Leader Social Care Vodafone

„Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends […]. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!“

Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung

The last editions of The Sales Accelerator

These are the last articles of the current issue.

AI is leading to job losses, but not in the way people feared

AI is leading to job losses, but not in the way people feared

„Is AI a career terminator or a launching pad? 🚀

The narrative around artificial intelligence has been fraught with the specter of job losses. But the latest findings? It’s far from the employment apocalypse feared. Read on, as this impacts us in the sales world where relationships are currency. AI is reshaping the landscape, but not through erasing jobs. Instead, it’s creating a seismic shift in job *functions*. For sales professionals, this pivot could be our golden ticket 🎫.

As AI creates more 6-figure, remote work opportunities, ‘the upside is high, but so are the risks,’ experts say

As AI creates more 6-figure, remote work opportunities, ‘the upside is high, but so are the risks,’ experts say

From Silicon Valleys to the Remote Peaks: AI’s Six-Figure Promise Revamps the Sales Landscape!
As sales dynamos, we’re all about locking in that close. But what if I told you AI’s not just sealing deals… it’s also minting six-figure remote roles? Buckle up, because that’s the reality revolutionizing our domain!

Picture this: AI’s savvy algorithms dissecting customer behavior, generating leads with the precision of a master jeweler. Can you imagine how this boosts your sales strategy?

Will AI Replace Coaches? Entrepreneurs Share Their Predictions

Will AI Replace Coaches? Entrepreneurs Share Their Predictions

Is it time for #AI to step on the field with world-class sales coaches? Perhaps!

As I soaked in the insights from a riveting article on Forbes, it stirred questions about the potential transformation of the sales landscape specifically.

Will AI-enabled data analysis replace the intuitive ‚gut feeling‘ of seasoned salespeople? Can generative AI tools streamline customer interactions and forecast trends better than us? All worthy of pondering.

Five practical examples of how gen AI can transform customer relations

Five practical examples of how gen AI can transform customer relations

#AI is truly the revolutionizing factor of our era. What if we could make sales more efficient, more intuitive, and more customer-oriented with AI? The possibilities of AI in shaping the future of sales are seemingly limitless.

A thought-provoking article by Konecta Group propels us into this not-so-distant future. It showcases five practical examples of how generative AI can transform customer relations. But how might these insights apply to the sales arena?

Imagine harnessing the predictive capability of AI for sales forecasting. Could we be looking at sales strategies that adapt in real-time to emerging market trends?

Customer service bots are already streamlining operations in customer relations. Could we use them to handle repetitive sales enquiries, freeing up human agents to handle complex sales negotiations?

Similarly, the potential of AI in creating personalized marketing campaigns is immense. What if we could leave mass marketing behind and reach out to every prospect with a unique, tailor-made pitch?

AI’s ability to analyze and interpret emotions in customer’s voices could be a game-changer in telemarketing, don’t you think? We could pinpoint potential objections more precisely and address them proactively.

And it’s quite intriguing how AI can influence our purchase decisions by presenting products in virtual reality. Imagine letting your prospects experience your product in a VR environment! Could that become an indispensable part of your sales toolkit?

This new AI-driven sales landscape doesn’t just promise efficiency. It offers empathy, customization, and an overall superior customer experience. It’s time we unlock these potentials to transform the sales industry.

This post was inspired by

This article is of interest for any progressive sales leader looking to drastically innovate their approach to sales using AI. Let’s collectively embark on this journey towards the future of sales.

Ecommerce Automation: Benefits and Tasks You Can Automate

Ecommerce Automation: Benefits and Tasks You Can Automate

🎣 „Catching fish or leading fish?“ 🤔

It seems we have been doing it wrong! Struggling to reel in every deal, we haven’t been leveraging AI in our sales strategy. It can be likened to fishing with a single rod, when we have the capacity to utilize an entire fleet of trawlers, armed with tech-savvy navigation systems. Sounds intriguing?

We’re all familiar with eCommerce automation.🛍️ But, how can generative AI revolutionize sales automation?💡 The answer lies with Shopify’s insights on E-commerce automation🚀.

One of the potential use cases is the personalization of purchase recommendations. Why serve a generic buffet when we can provide every diner with a tailor-made platter?

With AI, we can better anticipate customer needs, creating highly personalized value propositions that seriously up the wow factor. To augment client engagement, why not deploy AI to craft compelling narratives that pull at the formative strings of potential buyers?🔥Let’s make our sales pitches as riveting as riveting Game of Thrones episodes, thriving soap operas or edge-of-the-seat mystery movies.

But, isn’t it challenging to train AI models to understand our clients‘ psyche? 🧠Imagine then, a scenario where your AI isn’t just mechanically running algorithms; but it’s learning, growing, and adapting – all in real-time. Outlandish? Or perhaps, it’s just the future of sales unfolding.🌌

What we need to ask ourselves is – Are we ready to lead the evolution or will we find comfort in the crowd?

This post was inspired by

This article is of interest for all sales veterans or rookies who are ready to cast their net wider, employing more sophisticated techniques to amplify their sales game. Are we ready to change our sail from selling to actually serving? The ocean, my friends, is full of unending possibilities. 🌊🐬

AI frontier 2024: Top 6 AI startups shaping the future

**What if you could sell not just faster, but smarter?**

As AI continues to evolve, we are witnessing a seismic shift in sales. Innovation is charging forward, and I’ve stumbled upon a riveting article that offers fresh perspectives on the application of AI in revamping sales. Now, let’s mull over what this might signify for sales and potential use cases.

AI is no longer just a future idea. It’s here, now, transforming industries across the globe. The common misconception is that AI can only automate processes. What if AI could also catalyze a fundamental change in the realm of sales?

The article presents a revolutionary concept – AI augmenting human sales efforts. Imagine a system that could predict customer demands, analyze their behaviors, and strategize the sales approach. How much more efficient would our sales journeys be?

Predictions made with the help of AI have accuracy rates that human minds might never achieve. It gives an edge, doesn’t it? Wouldn’t you love transparency in your sales forecast that’s backed by solid data insights?

As a salesperson, what if you could understand your customer so well, it’s as if you can read their mind? AI can bring us closer to this reality, delivering unprecedented insights into customer needs, wants, and behavior.

What we are looking at is not just a tool to automate but a partner to amplify sales figures. How exciting, then, is the era of sales that we are marching into, brimming with endless possibilities?

This post was inspired by

This article is of interest for every sales professional looking to sharpen their competitive edge with AI, and for business owners envisioning a digital-first future for their sales processes. Stay curious, stay updated, and let’s ride the wave of change!

Google Cloud’s $37B Run Rate, Record Profit And Gemini: 5 Google Earnings Takeaways

Google Cloud’s $37B Run Rate, Record Profit And Gemini: 5 Google Earnings Takeaways

🔥 A snapshot into the remarkable future of sales, anyone? 🔥

Google Cloud’s $37 billion run rate is no coincidence, nor is their record profit. Basic math❓Or is it simulated brilliance at work❓ Take a thoughtful peek at this: [Article Link](

The phenomenon of leveraging AI in shaping multi-billion dollar revenues is no longer the stuff of sci-fi🚀. It’s the contemporary marathon where every microsecond of speed matters. Who leads and who follows is the differing factor between the front-row and others.

How will AI drive your sales figures❓How can generative AI amplify your sales pitch❓

Imagine creating bespoke sales strategies not for a group, not for a segment – but for each individual customer. Imagine understanding buying signals, likes, dislikes, historical engagement patterns – all in a split second. The results can be astounding!

Picture your AI-driven sales dashboard💻: deciphering real-time micro-trends, revealing unnoticed opportunities, and recommending action plans within seconds. It sounds like a dream, right? But what if I tell you, it’s becoming a reality.

Sales are not just about pushing products anymore. It’s about delivering personalized customer experiences, establishing brand loyalty, and building customer advocacy. Can AI be the game-changer we’ve been waiting for❓

This isn’t about machine versus man. ☯️ It’s about a harmonious symbiosis that will revolutionize the sales landscape. Are we ready to embrace it❓

Takeaway: It’s high time we integrate AI into our sales process. Not just to stay ahead – but also to stay relevant.

This post was inspired by [this article](

This article is of interest to everyone from the savvy sales director to the energetic newbie sales executive. If you’re questioning if AI is just a fad or a genuine quantum leap for sales, it’s worth a read. Your future in sales may depend on it. Let’s leap into the future of sales, together🚀🚀

Salesforce AI CEO Clara Shih says AI is a ‘moving target’ — but her aim is steady

Salesforce AI CEO Clara Shih says AI is a ‘moving target’ — but her aim is steady

Ever paused to consider the dynamic landscape of AI in sales? Is it a moving target or leeway for trajectory refinement? In today’s era of Do-It-Faster, AI isn’t just a buzzword but a reality transforming the sales industry.

Recently, I delved into this compelling piece from VentureBeat (link) featuring insights from Clara Shih, Salesforce AI CEO. Constant technological changes might render AI a moving target, but she remains steady in her vision to optimize sales through AI.

Shih’s grappling with AI’s shifting nature resonates profoundly for sales teams hunting for that ultimate edge. But the turbulence should not be read as a deterrent, it’s a call for adaptability and innovation.

Suddle behind this perceived ‚instability‘ is the opportunity for continuous learning. AI isn’t a monolithic, unchangeable construct. It evolves, and so should our sales strategies. How quickly can your team adapt to the AI changes?

The use of AI in sales isn’t a static, one-and-done application. It’s an ongoing, evolving partnership. This iterative co-evolution of tech tools and sales strategy boosts efficiency, accuracy, and predictability. Imagine, with AI, reliable sales forecasting becomes no longer a crystal ball game!

It’s crucial not to see AI as a challenge to chase but a partner to dance with. There’s an enlightening shift from seeing AI as ‚a means to an end‘ to one that informs and enhances sales strategy. What role does an evolving AI play in your sales strategy?

Remain steady, vigilant, adaptive – the moving target of AI might be complex but within it lies a path to sales excellence.

This post was inspired by VentureBeat’s article at

This article is of interest for forward-thinking sales leaders, tech-savvy early adopters, and anyone involved in shaping sales strategies. It calls for attention to the AI landscape’s changing dynamics and the need for continuous adaptation and innovation.

Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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