Tim Cortinovis. Business Meets technology

Social Selling: So verkaufen Sie auf Social Media

Top-Keynotespeaker Tim Cortinovis  | Künstliche Intelligenz  | Digitalisierung   |  Vertrieb

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Tim Cortinovis – Keynote Speaker zu Social Selling

Wer kennt das nicht? Sie rufen einen Interessenten an und der sagt „Oh, gut, dass Sie anrufen. Es gibt da ein neues Projekt / Produkt etc. für das ich Ihr Angebot gut gebrauchen kann!“. Das war dann gutes Timing. Aber bei wie viel Interessenten oder Bestandskunden haben Sie nicht im richtigen Moment angerufen? Es gilt, in dem Augenblick, in dem sich Ihr potentieller Kunde bewusst wird, was er möchte, präsent zu sein.

Früher gab es genau dafür den Newsletter. Aber mit zunehmender E-Mail-Überflutung bewegen sich die Öffnungsraten klassischer Newsletter Richtung Null.

Smarte Vertriebler setzen seit einiger Zeit social Media erfolgreich ein, um Kunden noch besser und persönlicher zu erreichen. Und vor allem, um sich immer wieder ins Gedächtnis zu rufen, um in dem einen Moment da zu sein.

Dafür gibt es den aktuellen Fachbegriff „Social Selling“ und das geht weit über Social Media Marketing hinaus. Es geht darum, die richtigen Interessenten zu finden, zu kontaktieren, zu verstehen und diese Kontakte zu pflegen.

All das wird uns in den gängigen Kanälen (LinkedIn, XING für B2B-Kunden, Instagram und Facebook für B2C) sehr leicht gemacht, vieles lässt sich zum Teil oder sogar auch ganz automatisieren.

Was sind die wesentlichen Erfolgsfaktoren, damit Sie hier Geschäft ausbauen? Zum einen müssen Sie wissen, was Sie Ihren Interessenten hier erzählen, die richtigen „Stories“, seien es Erfolgsgeschichten, seien es spannende Fakten – all das, wovon Sie wollen, dass andere es weitererzählen. Und es geht darum zu wissen, wie Sie hier schnell und einfach Reichweite aufbauen und Kontakte knüpfen.

Energiegeladen und sehr spannend geht es um:

  • Wie baue ich ein großes Netzwerk auf, ohne mich auf organisches Wachstum zu verlassen?
  • Was sollte ich posten, um wahrgenommen zu werden?
  • Wie häufig sollte ich posten?
  • Wo bekomme ich die Inhalte für meine Posts her?
  • Growth Hacking im Social Selling: Welche Abkürzungen gibt es?
  • Wofür eignet sich welcher Kanal?
  • Welche Automatisierungstools gibt es und wie kann ich sie einsetzen?
  • Wie kann ich das selber machen ohne viel Zeit zu investieren?
Der Vortrag eignet sich sowohl für eine rein inhaltliche Business-Veranstaltung mit dem Fokus auf den unteren Themen, als auch als erfrischende Keynote mit einem stärker unterhaltsameren Fokus.

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Mavie John, Team Leader Social Care Vodafone

„Vielen Dank für einen spannenden und sehr unterhaltsamen Vortrag. Unsere Teilnehmer waren begeistert von den Einblicken in die ganz aktuellen Trends […]. Ich wünsche noch vielen anderen Veranstaltungsteilnehmern, dass Sie in den Genuss eines Vortrages von Ihnen kommen!“

Dr. Tilman Welther, Herausgeber Fondszeitung

The last editions of The Sales Accelerator

These are the last articles of the current issue.

How AI Is Transforming the Sales Industry With Modjo’s Paul Berloty

🌠 Imagine a sales landscape where your CRM anticipates customer needs, analyzes sales trends and comes up with innovative strategies – welcome to the world of Generative AI. Are we ready for AI to break new ground in sales?

An eye-opening article, by learn.g2.com, highlighted how generative AI is transforming sales [1]. It got me thinking, how can we harness this innovation to reach game-changing efficiency and impact in sales?

Sales teams work tirelessly capturing, analyzing, and understanding myriad data points to provide personalized experiences for customers. But what if we could supercharge this process with the exceptional computing capacity and unbiased intelligence of AI? 💡

Imagine a world where generative AI automates arduous tasks, while also generating next-level sales insights? Could generative AI become our secret weapon to exceeding sales targets and immensely improving customer relationships?

This concept isn’t science fiction; it’s emerging today. Generative AI is set to imitate human intelligence, providing a unique ability to create, learn, adapt and improve. The application of this in sales is boundless, from offering tailored customer solutions, forecasting market trends to boosting lead generation. ✨

But as we welcome this AI revolution, will the human touch in sales and customer relationships become obsolete? Or will it lead to an inspiring symbiosis of human creativity and AI efficiency solving challenges and scaling success in ways we have never imagined before? 🤔

This post was inspired by learn.g2.com/paul-berloty-generative-ai-sales.

This article is of special interest for sales executives, AI enthusiasts, and forward-thinkers in the business world, eager to nurture a culture of innovation. Tune into the future now and contemplate the possibilities! 🚀

[1] https://learn.g2.com/paul-berloty-generative-ai-sales

A New Frontier in Sales and Marketing

🔥Hot off the presses: The future of sales isn’t just high tech… it’s AI-powered! 🚀

With Artificial Intelligence becoming omnipresent, isn’t it time we started talking about how it’s redefining the dynamics of sales and marketing?💡

This fantastic write-up👉 terminus.com unravels how adopting AI in your sales strategy can prove to be a game-changer.🚀

AI utilization in sales isn’t just about efficiency. It’s about connection and understanding. Can your customer feel understood and valued by a machine? Seems like the answer might just be a resounding yes. 🎯

What if we could shorten sales cycles, personalize every interaction, and predict future consumer behavior, all with the aid of Artificial Intelligence? Is it worth pondering over how AI can script success stories in sales, revealing unexplored roads to revenue? 🧐

Imagine having a super-powered salesperson who never sleeps, is never off their game, and can juggle thousands of customers simultaneously. Sounds like a dream, right? With AI, this is our new reality. 🦾

So, are you ready to embrace AI in your sales funnel or are you still on the fence? Let’s educate, and let’s commit to the future of selling, folks! 🎉✨

This post was inspired by 👉 https://terminus.com/harnessing-the-power-of-ai-a-new-frontier-in-sales-and-marketing/.

This article is of interest for both seasoned and budding sales professionals seeking to revolutionize their sales pipeline with the power of Artificial Intelligence, predictive analytics, and machine learning. It’s time to shift gears, step into the future, and skyrocket those sales, mates! 🚀🌟

#AIInSales #FutureOfSales #ArtificialIntelligence #SalesAndMarketing

Gong AI Platform Delivers Improved Accuracy to Revenue Forecasting

**Hook**: What if I told you that AI might just be the secret weapon you need to boost your sales forecast accuracy? 🔮 Yes, you heard that right. Let’s dive into the heart of this outstanding revolution.

A recent [article](https://www.crmbuyer.com/story/gong-ai-platform-delivers-improved-accuracy-to-revenue-forecasting-177228.html) examined how Gong’s AI platform is making a wave of change in how organizations predict revenue targets. And let me wager this: this is only the beginning.

The potential of AI in sales is incredible. An algorithm, with no bias, a relentless capacity to learn, and an ability to pivot rapidly to almost any new information is a game-changer, isn’t it? So, what could this mean for the world of sales?

AI is expected to play an increasingly significant role in analyzing previous sales data, customer interactions, and buying patterns. 📈 This means, forecast accuracy could be better than ever before. Isn’t that the leap we’ve been waiting for in sales?

But like any groundbreaking tech advancement, it’s worth questioning: What happens to the humans in the equation? 💡 Well, here’s a refreshing insight: AI does not replace human intuition; it merely enriches it. It’s about co-evolution. Our job is not to compete with AI but to discover how to collaborate effectively.

Isn’t it thrilling to see how AI can lead to more precise forecasts, empowering us to make smarter strategic decisions, drive revenues, and ultimately shape a better customer experience?

This post was inspired by [this](https://www.crmbuyer.com/story/gong-ai-platform-delivers-improved-accuracy-to-revenue-forecasting-177228.html) article.

This article is of interest for sales leaders, visionary CEOs, and anyone fascinated by the intersection of AI and sales. It’s time to leverage this revolutionary technology and elevate your sales game. Together, let’s build the future of sales! 💪🚀

PayPal and Venmo Unveil Six New Innovations to Revolutionize Commerce

🚀Are we taking full advantage of the AI revolution in our Sales strategies?

Just finished reading an intriguing piece on how PayPal and Venmo are leaping ahead by incorporating six innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies to revolutionize commerce. The future is here, friends, and it’s incredibly exciting.

For those of us in Sales, this is not just about payment processing. It underlines a fundamental shift in how AI and ML can be leveraged to enhance customer experiences, streamline operations and innovate business models.

It raises some thought-provoking questions: Can we leverage similar technologies to predict customer behaviour, personalise offerings and supercharge our metrics? How well are we mining the data we have on hand? Can we fast-track real-time decisions using AI?

These technologies – Crypto for Things, voice-activated purchasing, QR codes for seamless checkouts – they could be game-changers, transforming our traditional sales approach into a superior, frictionless customer journey. It’s time for us to adapt, innovate and evolve.

This is not just the stuff of giants. Businesses of all sizes can innovate. Think AI-based recommendation engines for personalised sales pitches, predictive algorithms for improved lead targeting, or ML models for more accurate sales forecasts.

Sales Leaders, the onus is on us to embrace AI not as a supportive tool but as a strategic partner. Our move from transactional to consultative selling must now extend to AI-influenced selling.

This post was inspired by https://aithority.com/technology/paypal-and-venmo-unveil-six-new-innovations-to-revolutionize-commerce/

This article is of interest for sales teams, tech implementers, and business strategists looking to leverage AI for boosting sales productivity and flaming the fires of growth 🚀.

20 Necessary AI Tools for Starting a Business in 2024

Dear forward-thinkers,

Every revolution comes with its own toolset. The AI revolution is no different. In sales, these tools can be the very things that jettison us light-years ahead of our competition. So, what are these necessary AI tools for starting a business today?

„A picture paints a thousand sales“, they say. What if AI could create that picture for you? Generative AI, as covered in this [article](https://www.techopedia.com/20-necessary-ai-tools-for-starting-a-business-in-cur_year) is capable of designing graphics, logo or even entire websites. A bonus? It’s your personal assistant, working 24/7 at high speed, tirelessly increasing your business’s presence and visibility.

Are we preparing ourselves to harness this power yet?

Our sales strategies now need adaptation for an AI-driven arena. What about a future where generative AI takes the driver’s seat in assessing, strategizing, and executing sales plans? Imagine, it’s like having a “super salesperson” on your team who never sleeps.

Do we have our strategies ready for this era?

Predictive analytics is another AI tool that allows for smarter forecasting. The game of sales is all about predicting the next big thing – what if AI could do this better? Probabilistic program synthesis presents us with a new opportunity: imagine being able to forecast sales trends with pinpoint accuracy, knowing the exact right time to strike on opportunities.

Are we learning to trust AI for making such critical decisions?

Remember, every tool is only as good as the hand that wields it. We must invest time and efforts understanding these tools, their implications, and most importantly how they fit in our existing fabric of operations. Learning is the primary step towards leveraging!

This post was inspired by [this amazing exposition of AI tools.](https://www.techopedia.com/20-necessary-ai-tools-for-starting-a-business-in-cur_year)

This article is of interest for anyone engaged in sales operations and strategizing, and particularly beneficial for those looking towards capitalizing on the AI revolution. It’s time to gear up and stay ahead of the curve.

Till we meet next on the highways of innovation, keep ideating.

How AI Tools Can Transform Your Marketing and Sales in 2024

🔮Mystery or Magic? That’s the question I’d like us to delve into as we explore how AI can impact the world of sales & marketing in the not-so-distant future! Let’s imagine 2024! 💫

According to an enlightening article written by Ameer Ibrahim, AI could play a transformative role in the way we approach both marketing & sales. 🌐

AI is not merely a buzz-word, it’s a potent tool that’s here to change the business landscape. So why is this important for YOU?

Predictive analysis, personalized customer engagements, intelligent forecasting – sounds like magic? Yes, because the technology behind it can be just as spellbinding. But here is where the inquiry begins: is your business leveraging the FULL potential of these AI-driven sales tools? 🚀

With AI, we can evolve from mere guesswork and manual analysis to sophisticated scenarios where routine tasks are automated, and data-driven decisions become the norm. AI is not replacing humans, it is augmenting human abilities – And isn’t that what technology was built for in the first place? 👥

One possible use case would be improving lead scoring. AI tools can better qualify and prioritize leads with data-backed insights, making your sales team’s efforts more targeted and effective. This could reduce wasted time, increase sales numbers, and ultimately market ROI. 📈

So my challenge to all the sales superstars and marketing mavens out there is: Are you prepared to integrate AI into your existing processes? What might that look like in your organization, and how can you use it to create truly magical results? The future is here, are we ready to own it?

This post was inspired by [https://medium.com/@ameerjamshil369/how-ai-tools-can-transform-your-marketing-and-sales-in-2024-391d9c989554?responsesOpen=true&sortBy=REVERSE_CHRON](.)

This article is of interest for the forward-thinking sales leaders, marketing strategists, and anyone else intrigued by the strategic intersection of artificial intelligence and business. Time to spellbind the world, folks! 💼👊🏽✨

Tech Headlines of the Week: AI Takes Over the Workplace

**Are You Ready for the AI Revolution in Selling?**

Can you imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) empowers salespeople to be more efficient, strategic, and successful? Well, this future is already here and it’s surfing in on a Tsunami of change. As per an *intriguing article* I read just the other day on **Techopedia**, AI is taking over workplaces and redefining productivity. But what does that mean for our world of Sales?

AI is not just a tool, it’s a game-changer. It presents an opportunity for us to rethink how we engage with our customers. Traditional sales methods are ripe for disruption. But are we, as businesses, ready for this evolution?

AI can free sales reps from time-consuming tasks like data entry or managing emails and instead empowers them to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Imagine the impact when your sales team spends less time on manual tasks and more time doing what they do best – selling. But does this threaten the human touch in sales relationships?

Conversion rates spiked up when AI assisted in managing leads, reducing the window of response. But the big question is- how do we strike a balance between leveraging AI capabilities and retaining the human touch points in sales?

AI tools can predict buying behaviors and purchase patterns better than any traditional method. It’s like catching a glimpse into the future of each customer. How can we leverage these insights to bring about transformative change in our sales strategies?

My food for thought – Understanding and adopting AI is not an option anymore, it’s a necessity. The revolution is here, and sales is standing at the forefront. You can choose to either ride the wave or get swept by it!

This post was inspired by https://www.techopedia.com/tech-headlines-of-the-week-3-ai-takes-over-the-workplace.

This article is of interest for any sales professional, indeed for any business professional, who is ready to embrace change, innovate their strategies, and take their sales game to a whole new level powered by AI technology. Lean into the future! #sales #ai #disruption #innovation.

AI Predictions for 2024: New Opportunities and Challenges for Small Business Owners

Imagine a world where technology not only assists you in your daily sales activities but anticipates your next move for you. A world where you’re ten steps ahead, where you make informed decisions that yield stellar results.

Last year, AI was in its infancy – exciting, promising, but still finding its footing. This year, AI is strutting confidently, a grown adult, showing just how much it has and will continue to learn in the sales space. I recently stumbled upon this fascinating [article](https://www.allbusiness.com/ai-predictions-2024) that expounds on AI predictions for 2024. Yes, the future is here!

AI is anticipated to continue its metamorphosis into a powerful tool for sales, transforming processes and strategy. How will it shape your future in sales? Will it make you dynamic and flexible, responding to changes with ease?

Adapting AI means that sales strategies aren’t just about pushing products anymore. Instead, they’re about learning and predicting customer behavior, and pouncing on opportunities as they emerge. With these predictive capabilities, could we be saying goodbye to cold calling?

How about nurturing leads automatically? AI will indeed enable us to do that, continuously learning, adapting, and personalizing the engagement. Can you envision a sales world where every interaction with a prospect is well-thought-out, intentional, and tailored to their needs?

The article further suggests that AI will become a ‚trusted advisor‘ in sales. It paints a picture of a seamless partnership between sales executives and AI. How would you feel about sharing your workspace with a digital co-worker who is never fatigued, always learning, and reliable?

Hold on to your seats, folks! The future of sales is looking more dynamic, precise, and efficient thanks to AI. Let’s embrace this wave of change, prepare for it, and surf it together to new heights of sales success.

This post was inspired by [https://www.allbusiness.com/ai-predictions-2024](https://www.allbusiness.com/ai-predictions-2024). This article is of interest for every go-getter, every sales executive, and everyone else who takes delight in leveraging the power of AI to make their sales game top-tier. Embrace the future; it’s already here!

#AI #sales #digitaltransformation

4 tech upgrades that can drive foodservice sales

💡 Imagine walking into a convenience store where your customer’s favorite pizza slice 🍕 is hot and ready even before he walks through the door. This is not a scene from a futuristic movie; it’s happening right here, right now!

Customization and personalization driven by AI, without doubt, are redefining the future of sales, specifically in the foodservice industry. The advancements in AI in the context of predictive ordering are playing a transformative role. 🏭 Isn’t it time we welcome this game-changing technology into the broader sales arena?

The joy of delivering personalized experiences is indeed unmatched. With the power of digital menus and predictive ordering, AI can help decipher consumer patterns to predict, prepare, and serve exactly what the customer desires. Sales personnel, isn’t it high time we took this cue 🕰️ from foodservice and use it to anticipate our client’s needs?

Let’s contemplate 🤔: how can we create similar ‚predictive‘ experiences in our respective sales fields? How could we leverage AI to personalize and customize our offerings, not just in foodservice, but across all sectors?

Imagine the revolution that could take place in the world of sales if we could not only predict what our customers want, but deliver it to them at exactly the right moment. This could be the much-needed solution to elevated customer experience, increased loyalty, and sustained sales growth.

‚Predictive‘ is not just a buzzword anymore, it can be the pathway for your sales team to deliver remarkable customer experiences that translate into soaring profits! 🚀

This post was inspired by [www.cstoredive.com](https://www.cstoredive.com/news/4-tech-upgrades-drive-foodservice-sales-convenience-stores/704378/).

This article is of interest for all dynamic sales personnel, marketing strategists, and tech enthusiasts, looking to push the boundaries of personalized customer service. Let’s take the leap and harness the potential of AI to transform the sales world. Let’s not wait for the future, let’s create it!

Kunden sagen:

We had a fabulous talk from Tim. It was engaging, it was fun, it was airy and light. The whole room was really excited by what he had to share with us.

Jason Wesbecher

VP Sales and Marketing, Corel Corporation, Austin

Tim Cortinovis ist DER Vertriebsguru Deutschlands.

Wolfgang Tiefensee

Wirtschaftsminister, Land Thüringen

We just want to thank Tim for being our host this week at our user conference. He did a great job keeping us all engaged, keeping us up to date on what everybody was talking about, connecting dots, and keeping us inspired.

Stacey Gromlich

Director Global Audience Engagement, Siemens Digital Industries Software

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